Sunday, July 17, 2011


Blue sipped her black coffee quietly, almost reverently, as she dazed off into the beautiful, albeit old, abandoned building that was juxtaposed between two pretty, but standard, buildings,her mind began to wonder. As she gazed at the walls, the shattered glass, the ripped curtains, a new vision came to life in her mind. Beautiful jazz pouring out of all windows, the dusky lights illuminating the floor. People were dancing, gorgeous gowns and elaborate masks studded with diamonds and precious jewels reflected, and shattered the flawless creamy walls with studs of light. The couples waltzed and swirled, the atmosphere was light... yet heavy. After imagining the lovely spectacle this building once was, her mind began to wander again... what stories had happened in there? What tales to be told? What enchanting love stories and scandals, what buisness, what backstories were engraved into the walls?

Blue conjured up two children in her minds eye... two dirty, scuffed up kids, standing outside, admiring the lights. They were holding hands and wondering... what were they wondering?

BZZZ BZZZ bzz bzz bz bz bz bzzzzzzz......

In a daze, Blue looked down at her watch, now alarming and a frequent rate. 10:00? That couldn't be right... It was 9 just a moment ago!

She stood up in a flurry... and left. If she had cared to look back, cardboard coffee cup standing alone on the table...

Two young kids, scuffed and dirty, picked up the cup.

"Let's pretend...."

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