Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Winged Battle

The Winged Battle

In a time and place nothing  but far,
there once lived a lonely Star.
From the sky she would gaze,
Upon every worldly phase.
From the battling Lions,
To the ancient Mayans.

There once was a time when the Lions were a ruling race,
Pride and power marked upon their face.
They once had wings upon their spines,
And flew well beyond mighty pines.
Star got to see this Nation majestically rule,
And saw it fall with one epic duel.

When the Lions roared the skies would tumble,
And in their wake mountains would crumble.
For centuries the Lions kept order in the lands and skies,
Because of the Lions, the kingdoms received peace and prosperity as their prize,
But slowly a new and  selfish race began to rise.

The humans were this dangerous race,
That would take the Lion's rightful place.
Lions had courage and strength,
But humans had intelligence to an extended length.
Star watched as the Humans opposed their rulers,
And as everyone became legendary duelers.
The Lions fought and fought,
Until the clever Humans had them caught.
The Humans won with all of their flesh and bone.
They took the lion's wings and those who fought were turned to stone,
Their beautiful wings rarely ever shown.

Star watched the most tragic tale from above,
Learning to see past all the hate and saw the Humans love.
The Lions lost in grace,
And will always have pride upon the face.


~By Monet

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